Call 631-319-1657 OR 631-319-1658
All Portrait Package Prices Only $25 through end of 2023 school year!
During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Tri-State Photography understands the seriousness in taking every possible precaution to make picture day a safe and healthy experience for everyone.
Here is how we are making a difference:
Tri-State Photography offers CONTACTLESS school portraits.
Our staff is required to wear proper facial masks and gloves to insure the protection of all students, faculty and staff. Disinfectant, hand sanitizer and alcohol products are available at every photo workstation. Any photo props used on picture day will be sanitized prior to each student being photographed. The Tri-State staff is also required to social distance at a minimum of six feet when photographing students, faculty and staff, offering verbal instructions throughout each portrait sitting.

During this very difficult time, our office is functioning on a very limited schedule, however we are available to answer any questions and receive new orders. Processing may require additional time.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to those who have been affected and we wish speedy recoveries to all.
A special thank you to the doctors, nurses and all the medical support staff throughout this country and the world for your endless hours, dedication and compassion you have shown. You are all true heroes.