Call 631-319-1657 OR 631-319-1658
All Portrait Package Prices Only $25 through end of 2023 school year!

Quick turnaround of portrait packages, service items including SIS and Power School links, student and staff ID cards, yearbook links/uploads, and commission funds.
Tri-State Photography is a progressive company looking to earn your trust and confidence with all aspects of school photography. Our goal is to offer the products and professional services you need – when you need them. We offer extremely quick turnaround of portrait packages, service items such as SIS and Power School links, student and staff ID cards, yearbook links/uploads and commission funds. With an entire staff of friendly, experienced professionals, you can be assured of quality and satisfaction in everything we do. We will get it done for you.
Please note: During this very difficult time of the COVID-19 virus pandemic, our representatives are available to speak with you via phone call, FaceTime and Zoom platforms.
School Portrait Programs
We properly staff each picture day based on the number of enrolled students and the needs of the school and PTA. Picture day should be a great experience for everyone!​
Traditional Fall Portrait Pre-Pay Program includes the following:
Individual Student & Staff Portraits (Pre-School, Elementary, Middle, High School)
Class Groups (Pre-School, Elementary School)
Multiple portrait package options (affordably priced)
Build your own package options
Multi-level retouching available
Over 80 Colorful Backgrounds
Multiple payment options
Full line of high-quality photo products
Holiday backgrounds and items
Sibling discounts
Picture Retake Day
FREE Class photos for all students and teachers (Pre-School, Elementary)
FREE Individual staff portrait downloads
FREE Staff Group Photo for ALL staff members (Pre-School, Elementary)
FREE Student Portraits for PTA Board members and picture day helpers
FREE Portrait Packages to families in need
FREE Administrative Links (SIS/Power School)
FREE Yearbook Links (original picture day & retake day)
Commission percentage based on package sales (Pre-School, Elementary, Middle School)​
Cap & Gown / Moving Up Portrait Proof Program includes the following:
Individual Student Portraits (Pre-School, Elementary, Middle School)
Multiple portrait package options (affordably priced)
Build your own package options
Multi-level retouching available
Background option for yearbook
Multiple payment options
Full line of high-quality photo products
Sibling discounts
FREE Student Portraits for PTA Board members and picture day helpers
FREE Portrait packages to families in need
FREE Yearbook Links (original picture day & absentee day)
Tri-State Photography to supply caps, gowns, tassels and any graduation props for picture day
Portrait Package home delivery available with online orders
Commission percentage based on package sales
Environmental Spring Portrait Proof Program includes the following:
Individual Student Portraits (Pre-School, Elementary School)
Multiple portrait package options (affordably priced)
Build your own package options
Multi-level retouching available
Beautiful environmental background options
Multiple payment options
Full line of high-quality photo products
Sibling discounts
FREE Student Portraits for PTA Board members and picture day helpers
FREE Portrait packages to families in need
Commission percentage based on package sales​
We offer multiple levels of image retouching to enhance portraits
Basic Retouching – remove blemishes
Retouching Plus – remove blemishes, soften eye bags & tone down facial shine
Senior Retouching – remove blemishes soften eye bags, soften deep lines, remove stray hair, tone down facial shine and extreme acne
Premier Retouching – remove blemishes, soften eye bags, soften deep lines, remove stray hair, tone down facial shine and whiten teeth
Additional retouching services available – remove braces, whiten teeth, blend shoulder tan lines, nose cleanup, hair cleanup, facial scars/scratches, remove stains
Tri-State Photography offers a wide variety of beautiful backgrounds for parents to choose from. We do accept requests for additional background choices. Please contact one of our support team members for assistance.
Please note: Background choices are typically selected for each individual school by grade levels to maximize age appropriateness.
Tri-State Photography partners with multiple yearbook publishers to accommodate the needs of each school in assuring user friendly programs, a high-quality finished product, hard cover and soft cover options, quick turnaround times and friendly, helpful technical support.
As part of a yearbook agreement, Tri-State offers candid dates to enhance the overall look of your book. Dates may be scheduled for specific school events or candids during a school day. Photographing of yearbook clubs and large graduating class photos are included in most agreements.
Do these issues sound familiar?
It’s been six weeks since picture day and parents have not received their children’s portrait packages. How much longer will it be?
Obviously certain circumstances can happen, however at Tri-State, we partner with high-volume professional processing labs for guaranteed quick turnaround time of products and services without compromising quality at any time.
How quickly can I receive the necessary image links for administrative purposes as well as staff and student ID cards?
All administrative service items/links are typically made available two weeks following original picture day. ID cards are also processed and returned within a two-week period following picture day.
Picture day was a nightmare. The company’s staff was rushing, showing no patience and forcing students to smile.
A productive and successful picture day begins and ends with the staff scheduled for the event. At Tri-State, our photographers and field assistants are highly trained professionals and hand-picked based on personality and their ability to work well with children and adults.
Customer support for parents seemed non-existent with this past year’s photo company.
We are very driven when it comes to customer support. Our team members are moms and dads, so we understand the frustrations of inept representatives where you feel ignored and your issue is not being resolved. We will address your issue and quickly solve the matter and gain your confidence.
Our yearbook advisor was very frustrated waiting for yearbook portraits and other images supplied by the photo company.
Our in-house staff is geared to turn items quickly to better service our customers and clients. Yearbook uploads are typically within two to three weeks following picture day and a second upload is completed approximately one week following retake/absentee day. All other events photographed by Tri-State are promptly uploaded to the yearbook program.
Fundraising is always very important to any school. How can we receive those funds in time frame where it would be much more useful?
Our Tri-State guarantee is that funds from any picture day programs is paid promptly in approximately four weeks following original picture day.